Comparison between Magento and CS Cart Ecommerce System

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Comparison between Magento and CS Cart Ecommerce System

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CS Cart vs Magento

Each technology has their advantages and disadvantages depend on usability. As per my point of view none of the technologies is perfect in their field, but yes they are full fill requirement to using API, extensions, plugins, and modules. Magento and CS-Cart are two very well know the name of online eCommerce system in PHP.

Where Magento (Community version) is freely available for download and CS-Cart coming with paid license purchase based.

Both have advantages and disadvantages in their implementation, support, online document. We as ezeelive technologies (Magento and CS-Cart Developer India) implemented both the eCommerce system for our clients as per their requirements. Here are the main mention features wise main comparison in Magento vs CS Cart:

A. BasicMagento (CE – 1.7)
CS-Cart (Version 4.0)
1. Open sourceYes(100%)Yes(100%)
2. FrameworkZendCS-Cart
3. MVC StructureGoodGood
4. Front-end SpeedGoodGood
5. Back-end SpeedGoodGood
6. MobileGoodGood
7. Multi-storePretty wellAverage
8. Multi-vendorNoneGood
B. UED (User Environment Design)MagentoCS-Cart
9. Front-end DesignPretty wellNot bad
10. Back-end DesignGoodPerfect
11. Responsive/AdaptiveGoodNone
12. Easy DesignNonePretty well
13. AJAX-basedGoodAverage
14. Shopping ExperienceGoodGood
15. Admin ExperienceGoodPretty well
C. CatalogMagentoCS-Cartt
16. Cross SellingGoodGood
17. Product ComparisonPretty wellPretty well
18. WishlistGoodGood
19. Intelligent RecommendationsNot badNot bad
20. Product ReviewsNot badBad
21. Product FiltersNonePerfect
22. HTML5 Image UploaderPretty wellNone
23. Import/ExportBadGood
24. Bulk Product UpdateNoneGood
D. SEOMagentoCS-Cart
25. SEO Score78%95%
26. URL RewritePretty wellPretty well
27. Canonical URLNoneNone
E. PromotionsMagentoCS-Cart
28. CouponsGoodPerfect
29. Gift CertificatesNoneGood
30. Free ShippingNot badNot bad
31. DiscountsNot badPerfect
32. AffiliatesNoneGood
33. NewslettersNot badGood
34. Reward PointsNoneGood
35. Sell On eBayGoodNone
F. CMSMagentoCS-Cart
36. News or BlogNoneAverage
37. Custom Contact FormNonePerfect
38. PollsNoneNot bad
39. Banners ManagementNot badPerfect
40. TestimonialsNoneNot bad
41. Email TemplatesBadNot bad
G. OrderMagentoCS-Cart
42. Return RequestsNot badGood
43. Recurring PlansNoneGood
44. Packing SlipsAverageGood
45. Order StatusesPretty wellGood
46. Abandoned CartNoneAverage
47. Multi-languagesPretty wellGood
48. Multi-currenciesGoodGood
49. Multi-warehouseNonePerfect
50. TaxesPretty wellPretty well
51. Store LocatorPretty wellGood

In above-mentioned points CS-Cart in provided more functionalities in the default installation, here we are saying again “Not available or average provided functionalities can be made better or perfect using/implementing custom modules, extension and plugins”.

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Comments (2)

  • Ilya Makarov Reply

    I would like to note that since CS-Cart v4.2.1 there are:
    – Responsive (adaptive) theme available with 8 built in styles and ability to change a style using Visual Editor : //
    – Canonical URLs
    – SEO history (301 redirect for old URLs)
    – Synchronization with Madmimi & MailChimp

    And of course custom modifications of CS-Cart is cheaper than Magento, because of easier and clear Architecture.

    Also keep in mind the very powerful feature Widget mode – which allows you to embedded your store to any site: //

    October 14, 2014 at 10:23 am
    • Ezeelive Technologies Reply

      We agree completely.. CSCart is one of best eCommerce solution.

      October 20, 2014 at 1:25 pm

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