
Codeigniter Development India : CodeIgniter is small powerful PHP Framework which have 2 MB file size of framework version CI 3. It is very simple for understand specially beginner and having powerful security features and speed. Codeignitor having following key features :

MVC (Model View Controller) architecture
Light Weight – CI 3 having 2 MB file size
Form and data validation
XSS filtering
Data encryption
Error handling and logging

Apart from above it will come with other third party libraries like FTP, Localization, Session Management, Image Manipulation, Query and Full Page Caching, Zip Encoding, Template Engine, Trackback, Unit Testing and XML-RPC etc.

Ezeelive Technologies India - Best PHP Framework for 2015

PHP Frameworks in 2025: 20 Best Choices for Web Development

Headlines Laravel Yii Framework Zend Framework CodeIgniter CakePHP Symfony Phalcon FuelPHP Kohana Prado Slim Flight Webasyst PHPixie Aura Medoo Yaf Silex Agavi NetteWish You Happy New Year 2025...!! PHP is more famous Website Development Technologies among Web Programmers. More than 50%...

10 reason why codeigniter is better than other php frameworks

10 Reasons why Codeigniter MVC framework is better than other PHP Frameworks

Highlights of Codeigniter MVC Framework:

Simple and bother free relocation from server facilitating to server facilitating. Easy to learn, embrace and convey Taking care of development and tweaking. Offers adaptability and simple administration With MVC based structure. Dynamic Record Implementation is essentially magnificent and simple to recollect. Gives less demanding design and customization of setup documents. Encourages simple working with an assortment of designers. Great gathering of had libraries. Great documentation of the client control, which makes it simple for...

Doctrine ORM PHP Enterprises - Web Application Development India

What makes Doctrine is the best ORM?

What is ORM? ORM stands for the object-relational mapping. ORM is a programming technique used to convert the data between incompatible type system in an object-oriented programming language. It created the “virtual object database” that can be used within the programming languages. There are many ORM’s available in the market in each technology in which some famous ORM are ActiveJPA, ActiveRecord (AR in Yii Framework) Ebean, Database objects, CakePHP, Propel and the best one Doctrine. But why Doctrine ORM is...