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Our Professional Services

Mobile Friendly Website Design

Custom website design, Redesign website, mobile web apps, responsive bootstrap theme design, custom theme/ template design, google material design, customization in template engine eg. Smarty, Jade, Blade, Handlebars, EJS etc. Responsive design pattern – Mostly Fluid, Column Drop, Layout Shifter, Tiny tweaks, Off Canvas.

Web based Application Development

Enterprise Resource Management (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Content Management System (CMS), Warehouse. Invoice, Employee and Resource Management System. SAP, Vtiger and SugarCRM solution.

JavaScript Clientside Framework

Using latest JS frameworks – Angular, ReactJS, EmberJS, BackBoneJS, Knockout, VueJS and ExtJS in frontend clientside development for faster web performance, reduce server request, Robust data management, built-in html templates and component based design.

Payment Gateway Integration

Payseal (ICICI) Payment Gateway, AXIS (UTI Bank) Payment Gateway, CCAVENUE, EBS, Zaakpay, PayTM, RuPay, Citruspay, PayPal, Google Checkout, Amazon Payments, Stripe, Wirecard, WorldPay, CrediMax (Bahrain) etc.

Banking Solution and Services

Finacle customization and support, finacle functional training and support, landing management system, customization and support for product FinnOne, postdated cheque (PDC) processing system, payment solution, payment gateway design and solution, integration with financial channels like SWIFT and internal systems and card solutions like VISA and MX, Consulting services for core banking solutions Finacle, IDMS, T24.

Website Development

Website development in LAMP stack using Core/ Custom PHP and Frameworks eg. Laravel, Zend (ZF1, 2 and 3), CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter (CI), Prado, Kohana, Phalcon, Slim and Yii 1 and 2 Framework. Experienced NodeJs development – MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular and Node.js) Stack, Express.js, Sail.js, Total.js and Koa.js.

E-commerce Solution

Custom e-commerce development, Magento, Prestashop, Open Cart, CS-Cart, Zen-cart, X-Cart, Oscommerce, VirtueMart, CubeCart, ZenMagick, 3dcart, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Agora Cart, Woocommerce, Ubercart.

Mobile Apps Development

NativeScript, ReactNative and Ionic for Hybrid Native Mobile Apps (which support android and ios mobile apps from the same codebase), Core Native Android App using Java and Android SDK technologies and iOS – Objective-C, Swift, CocoaPods, and XCode.

Online Marketing and SEO

Increase Traffic and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social media optimization (SMO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Online PR, Online Marketing and Branding etc.

Amazon Web Services

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Beanstack, CloudFormation, Lambda, Code Deploy, Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, Polly, Route 53, Virtual Private Cloud, S3, EBS, CloudFront, DynanoDB, RDS, Redshift, SES, SQS, SNS, Elastic Load Balancing etc.

Open Source Solutions

PHP open source solution in WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Modx, Mamboo, Moodle (elearning management system), PHP-Nuke, PHP-Fusion, TangoCMS, TYPO3, CMS builder etc. thirdparty party module installation, integration and customization, Develop custom module, extension, plugin, version upgrade/ downgrade, improve speed and security.

Website Hosting (Linux, Windows)

Amazon Web Services Cloud, AWS Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Service, Adobe, VMware, IBM Cloud, Rackspace, Red Hat, Shared, Virtual and Dedicated server hosting, Manage server security, backups and install patches.

DevOps Process

DevOps following one or more categories eg. Code (code version control – Github, GitLab, Bitbucket), Build, Test (continuous testing – Jenkins), Package, Release, Configure (in infrastructure – Puppet, Ansible, Docker, Chef, PowerShell DSC, Terraform) and Monitor.

BigData Solution and Services

Data Optimization and Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Data mining, machine learning, AI, Pantao data integration, Business intelligence and reporting, data solution using Weka and tableau.

Customer Support

24×7 customer support
Email : info[at]ezeelive[dot]com,
Phone : +91 9822117730,
Skype : ezeelive,
Gtalk : ezeelive[at]gmail[dot]com.

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