10 Reasons why Codeigniter MVC framework is better than other PHP Frameworks

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10 reason why codeigniter is better than other php frameworks

10 Reasons why Codeigniter MVC framework is better than other PHP Frameworks

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Highlights of Codeigniter MVC Framework:

  1. Simple and bother free relocation from server facilitating to server facilitating.
  2. Easy to learn, embrace and convey
  3. Taking care of development and tweaking.
  4. Offers adaptability and simple administration With MVC based structure.
  5. Dynamic Record Implementation is essentially magnificent and simple to recollect.
  6. Gives less demanding design and customization of setup documents.
  7. Encourages simple working with an assortment of designers.
  8. Great gathering of had libraries.
  9. Great documentation of the client control, which makes it simple for any coder to utilize the entire system.
  10. Empowers to consolidate its own particular existing contents and in addition create center libraries for the framework.
  11. Lightweight and broad.

We will evaluate here why the PHP is better than other PHP Frameworks here by considering our own web application development knowledge and what the other developers say why to use Codeigniter? But first, we will try to know what is CodeIgniter MVC Framework and what it is?

Codeignitor developed by BCIT Recreation Services from British Columbia Institute of Technology in February 28, 2006. Codeigniter is open source development framework which follows the MVC framework pattern. Its goal is to give you the easy and proper way to develop the project much faster than you could do.

Latest Codeignitor Framework version 3.1.10 has 3.47 MB complete file size.

What makes #Codeigniter the most popular #PHP framework for 2024? Share on X

What is MVC (Model View Controller)?

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a great outline design often utilized by applications that need the capacity to keep up numerous perspectives on similar information. The MVC design relies on a spotless partition of items into one of three classifications.

Codeigniter MVC PHP Framework in Web Application DevelopmentThe MVC is a fantastic layout which is frequently used by applications

Model (M) -Data Handler:

It represents your data structure, usually interacting with the Database or like insertion, deletion all that part comes in this file.

The model question thinks about every one of the information that should be shown.

It is display who knows about every one of the tasks that can be connected to change that question.

It just speaks to the information of an application. The model speaks to big business information and the business decides that oversee access to and updates of this information.

View (V) – User Interface:

It is used to represent your web project i.e to show the UI part normally it contains the HTML and CSS code.

The view speaks to the introduction of the application. The view question alludes to the model. It utilizes the inquiry techniques for the model to acquire the substance and renders it.

The view isn’t subject to the application rationale. It stays same if there is any alteration in the business rationale.

Controller (C) – Decision Maker:

In MVC to the controller, you can say the brain of it because it takes the requests to bind everything together.

Whenever the client sends a demand for something then it generally experiences the controller. The controller is in charge of catching the solicitations from view and passes it to the model for the suitable activity.

10+ advanced reasons to Love #Codeigniter #PHP Framework Share on X

After the move has been made on the information, the controller is in charge of guiding the fitting perspective to the client.

Reasons why CodeIgniter MVC Framework is better than other PHP Frameworks:

1. Execution Time:

The first and the most important point which attracts every developer towards the PHP is its execution time.
Php gives the response too fast that till now no technology is in this world which can give the execution so fast.
Top 10 Advantages of Codeigniter PHP Framework

2. File Organization:

When you first install the CodeIgniter framework at that time only it contains the many files application which contains the sub-folders as controller, config, model, view etc.

This is the main folder which we have to deal to implement the project.

3. Configuration:

Codeigniter MVC Framework has a very simple configuration, you just have to first install the framework as per your system configuration then at the time of programming open the config.php load the library, database, arrays all in that and save that’s it then. You don’t have to write the database name every time to use it. “Write once use everywhere”.

4. Security:

In PHP you will find many inbuilt functions to use in our project for the input and output filtering. Many Function available to for the encryption and decryption which helps the developer to send any data in the secret installation.

5. Less Code and faster development:

The PHP is called as the rapid development framework. You will write less code, which means less time spent typing.

You will not have to chase down 3rd party libraries all the time for every new project because most of them will come with the default framework install.

6. Community Support:

As we all know that PHP is worlds largest using language so everyone come with their problem and solutions so in those problems and solutions you get your problem solved in very less time and with full support and all.

Because so many people using it that after completing the project they just put the source code on the internet from their you can get your result.

7. Easy Error Handling:

Error handling was never before so easy but in CodeIgniter, you have to only write one line code to enable all the errors in front of you so that you can get what is the problem in the development code.

8. Step by Step Testing With Development Phase:

You can test the performance and the functionality of the project during the starting phase of the project through that you can see each and every phase of the project and you can test it.

9. Easy Template Solution:

Now in a world, most of the projects are going based on the templates only. The template gives the complete idea of the design of project even at starting phase of the development you just have to give the content in that.

10. Codeigniter Cache Class:

I think most of the clients love to make the cache class in their project because cache what do if you clicked on any button in the project then next time it gives the result from the cache instead of executing the completing the complete code again after clicking.

11. Remote code execution (RCE):

In every CI Framework files have <?php if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’); in top of header. This code ensures that the PHP file is not accessible directly by manipulating or running a script.

Drawbacks of using CodeIgniter MVC Framework:

  1. No built-in ORM: This is big disadvantages of CodeIgniter that there is no inbuild ORM System where another framework like Yii (ActiveRecord), Laravel(Eloquent).
  2. CodeIgniter is the PHP4 legacy code: This was applicable in the older version. Current CI version is fully supported with PHP 7.x.
  3. Irregular releases
  4. CodeIgniter is not fully Object Oriented based system.
  5. Not fit for enterprises or big data application where security and performance matters.

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Comments (8)

  • shamnad Reply

    Why it is said as “CodeIgniter is PHP4 legacy code”?

    May 9, 2017 at 6:39 pm
    • Ezeelive Technologies Reply

      CodeIgniter still support PHP 4 legacy code style.

      June 29, 2017 at 2:18 pm
  • Mike32 Reply

    It’s a really well organized framework, very easy to use, with a huge community, extremely fast and gives a lot of freedom to the developers. I really like it. I’ve worked with Yii, Zend (and with Java frameworks as well) and I haven’t found something as simple and well structured like this.

    December 23, 2017 at 12:35 am
  • Ajay Goyal Reply

    very nice neat and clean presentation of each and every point ….
    a person who without knowing a knowledge of apache ,codeigniter and ubuntu can understand very well by this….

    December 28, 2017 at 11:31 am
  • Hire CodeIgnite Developer Reply

    Before start use of CodeIgniter it is crucial to know what are best benefits from it, and what are the disadvantages of using it as a PHP framework. This information can be helpful to them who are planning to use CodeIgniter.

    May 6, 2019 at 11:00 am
  • Hire CodeIgniter Developer Reply

    Thanks for the above information about codeigniter by giving a description and letting the customer know about What is advantages and disadvantages of codeigniter .Keep Sharing to it.Thanks…

    May 6, 2019 at 11:13 am
  • Anil Patel Reply

    Nice information about CodeIgniter. I am using CI for most of my projects. Easy and fast once you are familier with code.

    February 19, 2020 at 5:01 pm
  • Andre Reply

    You may increment your post explaning the drawbacks with more details.

    Why it is not fit for enterprises or big data application?

    April 25, 2020 at 8:27 pm

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