Hire PHP Developer in India
Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework builds for enterprises and high-level web application development. Zend Framework (ZF) provided the bunch of libraries which is helping the developer in web development. ZF is an open-source PHP framework known for its modularity, flexibility, and enterprise-ready capabilities. Some of its key features include: Modular Architecture – Use components independently. MVC Pattern – Structured development with Model-View-Controller. High Performance – Supports caching (APC, Memcached, Redis). Extensibility & Customization – Event-driven...
As recorded in history, it was in the 1990s when the world first understood the requirement of a creative website though countries like USA, UK, Germany, Japan, and South Korea initiated the mean with efficiency which offer by web designers company in india. It was much later when Web Designers Company in India emerged to take on the market with a brisk of positivity! The world today we are living in is a completely different phase of reality that existed some 200...
With the advent of IT and internet, the world became a safe place to trade. Its effective applications showed us the path which should be initiated in making business transaction look simple and clear. The companies stress while aiming to reach their services/ products is that they pay special attention to maintaining the updated website for their company. Web Developer in India proves to be the fitting guy for mentioned the job role!
In Yii framework, using multiple databases is relatively straightforward. You can configure multiple database connections in the configuration file and then access these connections as needed throughout your application. Recently in one of Ireland based project client has the requirement to use existing Microsoft SQL Server database and implement new feature and store data into MySQL database with Yii Framework along with multiple database connections. Ezeelive Technologies developer has code changes in Yii framework and setup option to Use Two Databases in...
Research the internet, market and find out about the credibility of the company you are planning to hire for. Don’t get week over their tags that claim to be the leading Website Design Company in India (Ezeelive Technologies), but find out means in establishing the reality. Every company wanting to strive in modern day market needs to get on to the online aisle along with the successful implementation of pre strategized blueprint. No company would survive unless the path to trade...
The Website Development Company in India (Ezeelive Technologies) has the best web developers whose creative uniqueness help you get the requirement of your desire and usher you to boost your business prospect! We are living in a world dominated by computers as from being in elementary school to the IT industry; its dominance is ever felt to every sphere of human integration. Life without this device certainly leaves us with a void irreplaceable to the best outputs. The Internet has...