Laravel – Latest PHP Framework for Web Artisans
As we know PHP launches the frameworks after some interval of timing in regular interval of time. This time we will discuss the customized MVC framework called as “Laravel”.
We will discuss some basic part of the Laravel that are needed to start the coding. It gives you the more customized way of development for the web application. Laravel is used mostly for the dependency management.
Most sites have a common set of functionality (like handling sessions, data validation, etc) and a framework is something that prevents you from re-writing this each time you create a website.
It gives the more customized way to create the database, table or to use the inbuilt libraries and functionality.
Let’s talk about what the things needed to use it and how we can use it.
Installation and Basic Configuration
1. Installation :
First, download the “Laravel” installer through the composer. composer global require “laravel/installer=~1.1” -> You have to run this command in the cmd. But this command you have to run if only the composer is installed in your system otherwise first install the composer by following commands. Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the Laravel executable is found when you run the Laravel command in your terminal.

Planning and Process following – Ezeelive Technologies
2. Installing Composer:
Open the “Cmd terminal” in your system and run the command
curl -sS // | php
if curl installed in your system otherwise run and if curl is not installed in your system then run
php -r "readfile('//');" | php
then continue with the Laravel installation with the composer which command I wrote above.
Once the Laravel is installed you have to set the certain permissions to use its functionality in that.
You need to grant the web server write permissions to the app/storage directories. See the installation documentation for more details on configuration on Laravel home website. We have installed Laravel to use it using the XAMPP/ WAMP Server.
Laravel PHP Framework functionality in the web application:
1. Routing :
To get started, let’s create our first route, this file is under the app/routes.php. add the following route to the bottom of the file.
Route::get('users', function() { return 'Users!'; });
Now, if you hit the /users in your browser then you will see the message like Great! You’ve just created your first route.
2. View :
Next, we will create the view to display the user data in the web browser. The view is present in the folder app/views and contains the HTML of your application.
<html> <body> <h1>Laravel Quickstart</h1> @yield('content') </body> </html>
3. Displaying data:
Now by following above with instructions we made the user’s data and view part now, we will display the part to the user.
@extends('layout') @section('content') @foreach($users as $user) <p>{{ $user->name }}</p> @endforeach @stop
By looking at this you wondering that where is echo statement in the code but in Laravel, you can display the data by using double curly braces. Now hit the /users in the browser and you will be able to names of your users displayed in the response.
Advantages or Pros of Laravel PHP Framework :
- Laravel support PHP 5.3 or latest version and fully object-oriented based.
- It has inbuilt ORM system called Eloquent
- Laravel works on DRY (Don’t-Repeat-Yourself) method, so one written functionality can be access any place and was in the system.
- Laravel follow parallel testing mechanism rules ensure the code works properly.
- Laravel has great support IRC channel is always quick response to get any development help.
- Laravel support simple yet powerful Blade Templating Engine
Disadvantages or Cons of Laravel PHP Framework :
- Laravel is new PHP framework which means some instability in the code.
- Because of its new framework so code or API reference, community forum, framework documentation and finding answers are little limited than another framework like Yii, Zend, Codeignitor, CakePHP etc.
- It has blade template so its little hard to understand who are newbies in the framework.
- Routing System is little odd and hard to understand sometimes.
- Its new framework so little worries about next releases, updates and framework support and its community growth.
Why I should learn Laravel PHP Framework in 2018 :
- Best PHP Framework to Develop Single Page Application (SPA) using Client Side Framework – Angular, Vue, and Ember.
- Good Documentation available on internet especially with Angular and VueJS among from other PHP Frameworks
- Great online codebase available and documentation
- Secure and Easy URL Routing Configuration
- Scheduling Tasks Configuration and Management using Laravel Command Scheduler
- Message Queue System – MQS (Delayed Delivery) Configuration using Laravel Queue Service which provides the system to defer the processing of a time-consuming task and speed up your application.
- Inbuild PHPUnit System for Automation and Testing Work
- Monolog Logging Library which provides application log, error and exceptional handling.
- Laravel provides the inbuilt caching system such as Memcached, APC, Redis etc.
- Laravel has the available popular SwiftMailer library which allows sending mail using SMTP Mail, Mailgun, MailJet, Mandrill, SparkPost, Amazon SES, PHP’s “mail” function, and “sendmail”.
Why is Laravel the Best PHP Framework in 2018?
Do you want to know about the causes of best Framework – Laravel? First of all, it is an open source PHP framework and most popular among the developers.
In the year of 2018, this framework comes under the best framework which represents on the web.

As well as, various professional developers give thanks to the “Taylor Otwell” – developed this ultimate web development platform. In this blog, we will discuss the Laravel and it has around 35 thousand stars on Github.
- Consistent Documentation:Every version of Laravel consists such kind of behaviour that attracts the developers – friendly. Recently Taylor launches the latest version of Laravel, the documentation level of this release is really commendable.
- Migrations: The database schema representation of code is simply known as “Migration”. If somebody enters into your development team of Laravel, then there is no need to explain techniques, share dumps and so on. You can simply get the database consistency level all over the team.
- Database Seeding: With the help of seeding, developers simply create the dummy test by using the feature of API testing or something else. A “faker” library is already present in the database, you can use it for dummy test just like fake data.
- Articulate Syntax: We know very well about ORM software which simply states – Object Relational Mapping Software. It is one of the finest for Laravel framework as compared to others. Most of the developers really like the syntax of this framework because of its simplicity and anyone can understand.
- Blade: One of the rich format motors for Laravel is ‘Sharp edge.’ The designers I’ve talked with appreciate composing HTML code utilizing Blade. It is simple for the client to utilize or pick the correct language structure that they require.
Google Trends Report – Laravel is the fastest growing PHP Framework
Comments (8)
Check out “Why i should learn Laravel PHP Framework in 2018 ?”. Please suggest you have any features which laravel framework provides.
I would really happy to add more features in this section.
This website will really help everyone in providing the tools and information necessary for the people to develop and improve their website.
Great Post!Thank you so much for sharing this kind of wonderful things.
This article provides clear-cut information and knowledge of latest trends and technologies, so the same goes for laravel, the emerging web application developing framework of 2018.
Wow, marvelous, Good article and right to the point.
Keep it Up!
It works very well for me
Good article you provide nice information about the latest tool to improve website
Thank you for giving this information